Copying Samples of Data


It’s often a case that data in a specific location is produced frequently for maximal correctness of local data sources but in an archive or system that calls into those locations data freshness is not the most important property.

Stream Replicator supports sampling data from the Source and only sending a subset of data to the Target which can greatly improve the efficiency wrt network use and resources in the central archive.

We show JSON payload based sampling below, however, since version 0.0.6 we can also sample on Header values and Subjects or parts of Subjects.

Given data like this sent from every node in the fleet at a 5 minute interval:

  "metadata": {}

We want to copy the message to target only when:

  • was seen for the first time
  • If the payload changes significantly in size
  • Once per hour

We optionally want to raise advisories when:

  • A new advisory the first time was seen
  • Should not be seen for 12 minutes send a timeout warning advisory
  • Should not be seen for over an hour send an expire advisory and treat it again as new should it return
  • Should return between expire and timeout send a recovery advisory and resume normal hourly samples

Together this allows the central archive to have fresh data for any new node or node that started gathering metadata after being new and a near real time view of availability of any specific node with enough information to maintain it’s local cache of data.

You can combine this feature with age limits.


We will start with the configuration from Copying all messages and we suggest you read that section first.

  - stream: NODE_DATA
    source_url: nats://
    target_url: nats://


Let’s configure the Replicator to start sampling the above configuration on the sender field in the payload:

  - stream: NODE_DATA
    source_url: nats://
    target_url: nats://
    inspect_field: sender
    inspect_duration: 1h
    warn_duration: 12m
    size_trigger: 1024
       subject: NODE_DATA_ADVISORIES
       reliable: true

This configures the Replicator as described above:

inspect_fieldA JSON key to extract from the payload and key inspection off that. Data without this key will always be copied
inspect_headerInspects the value of a Header in the NATS message. Since version 0.0.6
inspect_subject_tokenInspects based on a specific token in the subject or the full subject when set to -1. Since version 0.0.6
inspect_durationThe sample frequency and also the longest time we will keep awareness of this node, data will be copied hourly
warn_durationWarn using an advisory when a node was not seen for 12 minutes
size_triggerShould the payload grow or shrink by this many bytes trigger an immediate copy

The size_trigger accommodates the typical scenario where full metadata might be gathered some time after a node starts, we’d send initial minimal metadata and, once gathered, a full set. The first full set message will be copied even if it comes before an hour has passed.

Pick the inspect_duration based on your needs but ensure that it is longer than frequency the nodes will publish data at else all data will be copies.


The advisory subject can have %s in it that will be replaced with the event type (like timeout) and a %v that will be replaced with the value being tracked. Use this to partition the advisories or to help searching a large store of them

We configure advisories that will inform us about statusses of data, advisories will be published to a Stream with the subject NODE_DATA_ADVISORIES and they will be retried a few times should they fail. See Sampling Advisories for details about advisories.