
Watching the Provisioning Process

Choria Servers publish lifecycle events, these can be viewed using choria tool event --component provision_mode_server.

Servers will publish startup, shutdown and provisioned events that will be shown in the rolling display. These lifecycle events are published in JSON mode on the network and could be stored in a Stream for analysis.

$ choria tool event --component provision_mode_server
Waiting for events from topic choria.lifecycle.event.> on nats://broker.choria.local:4222
14:35:46 [startup] n1.choria.local: provision_mode_server version 0.26.15
14:36:30 [provisioned] n1.choria.local: provision_mode_server
14:36:31 [shutdown] n1.choria.local: provision_mode_server

Viewing servers waiting for provisioning

One can view the active connections in the Choria Broker, these are nodes waiting to be provisioned. Typically one would also see connections for the Provisioner in addition to these.

Provisioning account connections

Leader Election

One can determine the node that is currently the leader in the leader election:

$ choria election view provisioner
Election bucket information for CHORIA_LEADER_ELECTION

       Created: 01 Jan 01 00:00 +0000
       Storage: File
  Maximum Time: 1m0s
      Replicas: 3 on hosts broker1*, broker2, broker3
     Elections: 7

│               Active Elections                │
│ Election    │ Leader                          │
│ provisioner │ provisioner1.choria.local       │

A re-election can be forced using choria election evict provisioner.

Prometheus Data

The Provisioner keep statistics in the Prometheus format, using this you can observe deployed counts, performance of individual RPC calls and more.

AAA Dashboard

All the statics have a site label allowing you to easily aggregate a global cluster of AAA Services.

choria_provisioner_rpc_timeHow long each RPC request takes
choria_provisioner_helper_timeHow long the helper takes to run
choria_provisioner_discoveredHow many nodes are discovered using the broadcast discovery
choria_provisioner_event_discoveredHow many nodes were discovered due to events being fired about them
choria_provisioner_discover_cyclesHow many discovery cycles were ran
choria_provisioner_rpc_errorsHow many times a RPC request failed
choria_provisioner_helper_errorsHow many times the helper failed to run
choria_provisioner_discovery_errorsHow many times the discovery failed to run
choria_provisioner_provision_errorsHow many times provisioning failed
choria_provisioner_paused1 when the backplane paused operations, 0 otherwise
choria_provisioner_busy_workersHow many workers are busy processing servers
choria_provisioner_provisionedHost many nodes were successfully provisioned

We have a published Grafana Dashboard for this statistics.