
Choria Broker is just one process running in your server, the command systemctl status choria-broker will show a basic overview of the process running, you should have basic monitoring for the process in place.

Prometheus Metrics

By default, the broker does not expose any monitoring metrics, if you set the plugin.choria.stats_port configuration to a port number it will listen on that port. You can listen on non localhost by setting plugin.choria.stats_address.

It will then serve a number of URLs, some from Choria and some from the embedded NATS Server - see NATS Monitoring for detail about those.

/choria/Build information, run-time resource use
/choria/metricsPrometheus format metrics

System Account

Monitoring NATS and Choria Streams require a System account enabled: = system = s3cret

This should be set in the Broker configuration and any client who wish to access the broker.

We have a basic Dashboard you can use to view these.

Included Checks


All the choria broker server commands are from the embedded NATS CLI and so can be an awkward fit within our CLI hierarchy

We include a number of checks in the binary that can be used to monitor various aspects of the service.

choria broker server check connectionPerforms a basic network connection and round-trip test of the NATS service
choria broker server check streamChecks the health of individual Choria Streams Streams
choria broker server check metaChecks the health of the overall Choria Streams System
choria broker server check jetstreamChecks Choria Streams usage limits
choria broker server check serverChecks the health of the embedded NATS Server
choria broker server check kvChecks the health of Choria Key-Value buckets

All of these Checks require the System Account to be enabled in your broker and the client configuration to have the same settings. A custom Choria Client configuration can be set using --choria-config on these commands.

By default, these commands act like Nagios checks:

% choria broker server check js
OK JetStream | memory=0B memory_pct=0%;75;90 storage=1942997776B storage_pct=0%;75;90 streams=13 streams_pct=0% consumers=21 consumers_pct=0%
% echo $?

They can though also output json, prometheus and text formats:

% choria broker server check js --format text
JetStream: OK

Check Metrics

│ Metric        │ Value         │ Unit │ Critical Threshold │ Warning Threshold │
│ memory        │ 0.00          │ B    │ 0.00               │ 0.00              │
│ memory_pct    │ 0.00          │ %    │ 90.00              │ 75.00             │
│ storage       │ 1942955289.00 │ B    │ 0.00               │ 0.00              │
│ storage_pct   │ 0.00          │ %    │ 90.00              │ 75.00             │
│ streams       │ 13.00         │      │ 0.00               │ 0.00              │
│ streams_pct   │ 0.00          │ %    │ -1.00              │ -1.00             │
│ consumers     │ 21.00         │      │ 0.00               │ 0.00              │
│ consumers_pct │ 0.00          │ %    │ -1.00              │ -1.00             │


Several run time reports are included that can show connection states and more, all of these require the System Account.

List Brokers in the cluster

This shows all the connected NATS Servers / Choria Brokers in your cluster and some basic information about them

$ choria broker server list

Broker Connections

You can view and search active connections to your brokers, here we limit it to the top-5 by subject, see --help for other options

% choria broker server report connections --top 5

Add the --account=provisioning option to see connections waiting to be provisioned if enabled.

Streams Report

One can get a overview of Choria Streams backends:

% choria broker server report jetstream

Details Broker Data

A wealth of data is available in the Brokers about every connection and every subscription and more, run choria broker server req --help to see a full list.

Golang Profiling

As an advanced option, that should not be enabled by default, one can enable the Golang PProf port to facilitate deep debugging of memory allocations and more. How to use this is out of scope of this document and really only useful for developers. = 9090