Tasks lifecycle

A task is the basic item of work that is scheduled and processed by a Handler.

Task Storage

Tasks are stored in NATS JetStream in a Stream called CHORIA_AJ_TASKS. Every Task is stored in a subject keyed by it’s ID CHORIA_AJ.T.<TASK ID>. Tasks must have unique IDs.

Task storage defaults to being File based and non replicated with no limits on the number of Tasks or how long they are retained. It’s recommended that an appropriate retention time is set as detailed below.

On a new setup the Task storage can be initialized with different defaults:

$ ajc tasks initialize --retention 1h --memory --replicas 1
Tasks Storage:

         Entries: 0 @ 0 B
    Memory Based: true
        Replicas: 1
  Archive Period: 1h0m0s

In code this can be done first time a client starts:

client, err := asyncjobs.NewClient(

Once created the Retention period can be adjusted:

$ ajc tasks configure 5h
Tasks Storage:

         Entries: 0 @ 0 B
    Memory Based: true
        Replicas: 1
  Archive Period: 5h0m0s

Task Properties

Tasks have a number of properties that can influence their processing:

TypeA string like email:new, the task router would dispatch the Taek to any Handler like email:new, email or ``
PayloadThe content of the task which the handler can read to influence what it does
DeadlineBefore calling the Handler the Task Deadline will be checked, tasks past their Deadlne will not be processed
MaxTriesTasks that have already had this many tries will be terminated, defaults to 10 since 0.0.8
DependenciesTask IDs that should all complete successfully before this task will run, since 0.0.8
LoadDependenciesFor tasks with Dependencies, load dependency TaskResults into DependencyResults before calling a handler, since 0.0.8

Setting other properties on new Tasks should be avoided.

Task Outcomes

During the lifecycle of a task various properties will be set, State is the main one that can be updated many times as per the below section, others will also be set though:

QueueOnce enqueued this will be the Queue name it is stored in
ResultOn success this structure will be set with the time of completion and the result payload
StateAs in the section below
CreatedAtA time-stamp indicating when the task was firt enqueued
LastTriedAtWhen not nil, this is the last time-stamp a handler was called
TriesIs how many times the task have been sent to Handlers
LastErrWhen not empty this is the text of the most recent error from the Handler

Task States

Tasks have many possible states and the processor will update the task as it traverses the various states.

TaskStateUnknownNo state is set in the task, uninitialised or corrupt task
TaskStateNewA brand new task, either never processed or possibly not enqueued
TaskStateActiveA task that is being handled by a handler
TaskStateRetryA task that had a previous failure and is now scheduled for later retry or one that was manually retried
TaskStateExpiredA task that was attempted to be processed but at that time it exceeded its deadline
TaskStateTerminatedA handler returned an ErrTerminateTask error and so will not be retried again
TaskStateCompletedSuccessful completed task
TaskStateQueueErrorTask was created but the Work Queue entry could not be made
TaskStateBlockedWhen a Task is waiting on it’s dependencies (since 0.0.8)
TaskStateUnreachableWhen a Task cannot execute because a dependent task failed (since 0.0.8)

Some termination states like when a Queue is configured to only keep Tasks for 5 Hours but a task has had no processor for that entire period will not be reflected in the task state - the task will simply be orphaned.

Task Dependencies

Since 0.0.8 we support a notion of task dependencies. A task with dependencies will start in TaskStateBlocked, when they is scheduled the processor will check all dependencies, if all are complete the task will become Active.

Should one of the dependent tasks have a final failure state this task will become TaskStateUnreachable as a final state.

Retrying a Task

While a Task is still in the Task Store and if it’s ID is known it can be retried. Any Work Queue items for the disk will be discarded, the task will be set to TaskStateRetry, it’s Result will be discarded and it will be enqueued again for processing.

err = client.RetryTaskByID(ctx, "24atXzUomFeTt4OK4yNJNafNQR3")

The CLI can also retry tasks using ajc task retry 24atXzUomFeTt4OK4yNJNafNQR3.

End State Discard

With no additional actions Tasks are kept either forever or, as above, based on Task Store retention policy.

The client can be configured to discard certain Tasks though:

client, _ := ayncjobs.NewClient(
        DiscardTaskStates(TaskStateExpired, TaskStateCompleted))

Here we configure the client that whenever it sets a task to either TaskStateExpired or TaskStateCompleted it should save the state and then discard the Task.

The Task is first saved to allow any processes watching task life cycles to get notified. This behavior will change once #15 is completed.

Flow Diagram

This includes the Task Relationships introduced in 0.0.8