Handlers in K8s

We publish Helm charts to deploy the system to Kubernetes.


NATS Server with JetStream

You need a NATS JetStream server, if you are a Choria User you can enable Choria Streams otherwise the NATS Community has their own NATS Helm Charts.

Connection Context

We use NATS Contexts to configure the connection between asyncjobs and NATS. If you already have a context configured using the NATS CLI then use nats context show CONTEXTNAME --json to get the keys and values to configure.

For me I needed some TLS Certificates to authenticate to NATS along with the context, so we made a secret called task-scheduler-tls holding that, you can put NATS credential files and more in the same manner:

$ find asyncjobs/task-scheduler
$ kubectl -n asyncjobs create secret generic task-scheduler-tls --from-file asyncjobs/task-scheduler/secret

Choria Helm Repository

Choria has it’s own Helm repository that you need to import:

$ helm repo add choria https://choria-io.github.io/helm
$ helm repo update

Kubernetes Namespace

We suggest running the asyncjobs components in a namespace:

$ kubectl create namespace asyncjobs
namespace/asyncjobs created

Task Scheduler

Here I show a basic values file for the Task Scheduler, it will run 2 replicas with one being active:

# asyncjobs-task-scheduler-values.yaml
  tag: 0.0.6

  contextSecret: task-scheduler-tls
    url: nats://broker-broker-ss:4222
    ca: /etc/asyncjobs/secret/ca.crt
    key: /etc/asyncjobs/secret/tls.key
    cert: /etc/asyncjobs/secret/tls.crt

We reference the secret added earlier.

$ helm install --namespace asyncjobs --values asyncjobs-task-scheduler-values.yaml task-scheduler choria/asyncjobs-task-scheduler