CLI Walkthrough

This is a basic walkthrough of publishing Tasks and handling them using the CLI.

This is essentially the CLI version of Introductory Golang Walkthrough.

This guide is known to work with Release 0.0.4

We have a similar video walkthrough that discuss the CLI and related topics.


You’ll need the NATS CLI, an optional JetStream Server and the Async Jobs CLI,

$ go install


If you have an existing JetStream server add a context to connect to it:

$ nats context add AJC --server

If you do not yet have JetStream you can start a local development copy easily, it will create a AJC context for you:

$ nats server run --jetstream AJC
[21398] [INF] Starting JetStream
[21398] [INF]     _ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ___   _   __  __
[21398] [INF]  _ | | __|_   _/ __|_   _| _ \ __| /_\ |  \/  |
[21398] [INF] | || | _|  | | \__ \ | | |   / _| / _ \| |\/| |
[21398] [INF]  \__/|___| |_| |___/ |_| |_|_\___/_/ \_\_|  |_|
[21398] [INF]
[21398] [INF]
[21398] [INF]
[21398] [INF] ---------------- JETSTREAM ----------------
[21398] [INF]   Max Memory:      7.20 GB
[21398] [INF]   Max Storage:     6.85 GB
[21398] [INF]   Store Directory: "/home/rip/.local/share/nats/AJC/jetstream"
[21398] [INF] -------------------------------------------
[21398] [INF] Listening for client connections on
[21398] [INF] Server is ready

Creating Queues

A Queue is where messages go, you can have many different, named, queues if you wish. If you do not specify any Queue a default one is made called DEFAULT.

You might make different Queues to set different concurrency limits, different max attempts, maximum validity and more.

$ ajc queue add EMAIL --run-time 1h --tries 50
EMAIL Work Queue:

         Entries: 0 @ 0 B
    Memory Based: false
        Replicas: 1
  Archive Period: forever
  Max Task Tries: 50
    Max Run Time: 1h0m0s
  Max Concurrent: 100
     Max Entries: unlimited

Here we attach to or create a new queue called EMAIL setting some specific options.

Creating and Enqueueing Tasks

A task can be anything you wish as long as it can serialize to JSON. Tasks have types like email:new, email-new or really anything you want, we’ll see later how task types interact with the routing system.

Any number of producers can create tasks from any number of different processes.

$ ajc task add --queue EMAIL email:new '{"to":"", "subject":"Test Subject", "body":"Test Body"}'
Enqueued task 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS
$ ajc task view 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS
Task 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS created at 02 Feb 22 13:04:26 UTC

              Payload: 85 B
               Status: new
                Queue: EMAIL
                Tries: 0

Consuming and Processing Tasks

The CLI can process tasks through a shell command, lets create a basic command

$ touch /tmp/
$ vi /tmp/
$ chmod a+x /tmp/

echo '{"status":"success"}'

Now lets run the jobs in our EMAIL queue, 5 concurrently:

$ ajc task process "" EMAIL 5 /tmp/ --monitor 8080
WARN[0000] Exposing Prometheus metrics on port 8080
INFO[0000] Running task 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS try 1
INFO[0000] Task 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS completed after 2.425439ms and 1 tries with 18 B payload

This will process all tasks - "" task type - via /tmp/ You can curl to http://localhost:8080/metrics to see Prometheus stats.

Afterward your task will be shown as done:

$ ajc task view 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS
Task 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS created at 02 Feb 22 13:04:26 UTC

              Payload: 85 B
               Status: complete
            Completed: 02 Feb 22 13:07:09 UTC (2m42s)
                Queue: EMAIL
                Tries: 1

Watching Tasks Processing

You can view tasks processing through their life cycle using the CLI:

$ ajc task watch
[14:08:41] 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS: queue: EMAIL type: email:new tries: 0 state: new
[13:08:41] 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS: queue: EMAIL type: email:new tries: 0 state: active
[13:08:41] 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS: queue: EMAIL type: email:new tries: 1 state: complete

Listing Queues and Tasks

You can see all your queues with some basic statusses:

$ ajc queue ls
│                                 Work Queues                                 │
│ Name    │ Items │ Size  │ Replicas │ Max Tries │ Max Items │ Max Concurrent │
│ EMAIL   │ 0     │ 0 B   │ 1        │ 50        │ unlimited │ 100            │
│ DEFAULT │ 3     │ 489 B │ 1        │ 100       │ unlimited │ 100            │

You can see tasks and their statusses:

$ ajc task ls
│                                            2 Tasks                                            │
│ ID                          │ Type      │ Created                │ State    │ Queue   │ Tries │
│ 24YUZF4MzOCLgI7kpwrGtT4lYnS │ email:new │ 02 Feb 22 13:04:26 UTC │ complete │ EMAIL   │ 1     │
│ 24YV5AyE6epR8XMpIdIzcppYyBK │ email:new │ 02 Feb 22 13:08:41 UTC │ complete │ EMAIL   │ 1     │

And a general overview:

$ ajc info
Tasks Storage:

         Entries: 5 @ 2.2 KiB
    Memory Based: false
        Replicas: 1
  Archive Period: forever
     First Entry: 02 Feb 22 13:01:19 UTC (14m24s)
     Last Update: 02 Feb 22 13:08:41 UTC (7m2s)

DEFAULT Work Queue:

         Entries: 3 @ 489 B
    Memory Based: false
        Replicas: 1
  Archive Period: forever
  Max Task Tries: 100
    Max Run Time: 1m0s
  Max Concurrent: 100
     Max Entries: unlimited
      First Item: 02 Feb 22 13:01:19 UTC (14m24s)
       Last Item: 02 Feb 22 13:02:16 UTC (13m27s)

EMAIL Work Queue:

         Entries: 0 @ 0 B
    Memory Based: false
        Replicas: 1
  Archive Period: forever
  Max Task Tries: 50
    Max Run Time: 1h0m0s
  Max Concurrent: 100
     Max Entries: unlimited
       Last Item: 02 Feb 22 13:08:41 UTC (7m2s)