Quick Start


Over on our Releases page you will find binaries, rpms, debs, zip files and more holding the appbuilder command. There is just one command and you can place it anywhere in your path.

If your editor supports it there is a JSON Schema for the definition.

We publish OS X and Linux homebrew packages:

brew tap choria-io/tap
brew install choria-io/tap/appbuilder

Hello World

We will make a little command that invokes cowsay to demonstrate some of the capabilities of the system.

We want to be able to run this command and it should invoke cowsay, cowthink or if configured to do so use animalsay instead of cowsay

demo say "hello world"
demo think "hello world"

First we have to write a YAML file (demo-app.yaml) that describes our demo application, we have reference sections in the wiki for all the options, so this being an introduction, will be short on details.

name: demo
description: Demo application for Choria App Builder
author: https://github.com/choria-io/appbuilder
  - name: say
    description: Say something using the configured command
    type: exec
    command: |
      {{ default .Config.Cowsay "cowsay" }} {{ .Arguments.message | escape }}
      - name: message
        description: The message to send to the terminal
        required: true

  - name: think
    description: Think something using a cow
    type: exec
    command: |
      cowthink {{ .Arguments.message | escape }}
      - name: message
        description: The message to send to the terminal
        required: true

Place this file in either /etc/appbuilder/demo-app.yaml or ~/.config/appbuilder/demo-app.yaml (~/Library/Application Support/appbuilder/demo-app.yaml on a Mac).

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/appbuilder
$ sudo cp demo-app.yaml /etc/appbuilder/
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/appbuilder /usr/bin/demo
$ demo say "hello world"
< hello world >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

$ demo think "this is pretty cool"
( this is pretty cool )
        o   ^__^
         o  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Finally, if you read the YAML file, you may see we made the system configurable, lets look how that works.

Create the following in /etc/appbuilder/demo-cfg.yaml

Cowsay: animalsay

Now when we invoke demo say it will use animalsay:

$ demo say "hello world"
< hello world >
 \     ____________
  \    |__________|
      /           /\
     /           /  \
    |          |     |
    |  ==\ /== |     |
    |   O   O  | \ \ |
    |     <    |  \ \|
   /|          |   \ \
  / |  \_____/ |   / /
 / /|          |  / /|
/||\|          | /||\/
        | |    | |
       <__/    \__>